Sunday, 11 October 2015

Its Autumn and this is only my second post for this year.  I have been baking, just not taking many pictures.  (I always think of it when it's too late).  I have also been at uni part time doing a foundation degree course for the past year, I have still been working in school and mostly I have been still dealing with the raw emotions of grief. No matter how many times you tell yourself, time will heal...the battle has been ever present.

In the past months we have been to London a few times and as I am lucky to live with cake/pastry lovers, we made our way round some of top notch and much publicised cake shops - Humming Bird Bakery, Choccywoccydoodah and Peggy Porshen's Cafe.  Each one offered their own unique style, their own signature bakes, and each one has made me extend my ever growing collection of baking books (not forgetting the extra inches on waist and hips).

Some of my bakes from this year - I can honestly say I have baked more than cupcakes this year (lack of photographic evidence) but again the waist and hips is becoming proof of this!

Monday, 12 January 2015

Happy New Year.  2014 has been banished.  It was by far the worst year for sad news that I can possibly remember and I hope that this year will be a whole lot better!  In times of desperation, the only thing that can save me is to here I am saved by cake!